Time and Philosophy



Several theorists have self-reliance in that time is unreal and that it only exists in our minds. Time takes manifestation in three general positions that are the past, which is the first event to happen, followed closely by the present, and lastly, the future occurs. Additionally, time lays down the length in which an occurrence takes place (McTaggart 457). The difference between the three spots standing is that incident, which is present at this time, in a prior (earlier) interval occurred in the future position, and almost immediately after the occurrence has passed, it will be positioned in the past position (McTaggart 457).

Are the sequences of the time occurrences forms essential? Time exists as the way of life that every person expenditures to place occurrences in a sequence with one succeeding another (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 43). Moreover, time certifies people to tell exactly how long an incident took as well as the moment in which the occurrence took place. However, McTaggart in addition to others says that time is nothing since it does not really exist (McTaggart 458).

The Philosopher McTaggart

The Philosopher McTaggart used the A sequence versus the B sequence method of explaining an occurrence of happenings. The A sequence explains that event 1 takes place before event 2 because event 1 is more in the past than event 2 (McTaggart 460). On the other hand, the B sequence of events stands that event 1 takes place in the past of event 2 due to the reason that the period of manifestation of event 1 is not as much as that of the occurrence of event number 2 (McTaggart 459). Therefore, the A sequence is vital to the natural surroundings of time, thus in regards to it, the A sequence time cannot be regarded as real (McTaggart 460).

Time in a natural manner is a change in occurrences; it may be the end of one occurrence or the beginning of another occurrence. However, certain things never change through the duration of a long time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 68). In such a case, one may say that the subject in question has been the same during some moments; one means that it remained the same while time took place in other substances. In this situation, time never took effect on the subject. This, according to sequence A of McTaggart, means that time was timeless (McTaggart 460).

On the other hand, the B sequence minus the A sequence can bring about time since without the A sequence in the B sequence change would take place, and additionally, it would mark time. It is based on the stipulation that the past, present well as a future discrepancy of time does not exist (McTaggart). This would stipulate according to the B sequence that an occurrence would come to an end of existing as an event as soon as another occurrence took place (McTaggart 461). In this situation, we would have developed a change. However, this is awkward due to the reason that an occurrence can never stop to be an occurrence (McTaggart 461).

Time Concept Developed

According to Currie, the time concept developed from the narratives of fiction, just like everybody believes that dinosaurs existed through fiction, they believe that time does exist (Currie 49). He also adds to that and says that time is a feature in the universe that takes on a sequential nature to display the existence of people’s problems as well as help people comprehend the sequential dilemma of events (Currie 49).

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McTaggart disputed that nothing can stand existent in the time since time would require a sequence of not just the B sequence, as explained by McTaggart of earlier and later, but by the A sequence of present, past, and future (McTaggart 461). Furthermore, he states that no occurrence can transpire in the A series since this hypothesis steers to inconsistency (McTaggart 462).

On the other hand, Ricoeur, a time philosopher, also puts forward that inventive in addition to a narrative association with fiction provides us with grounds for contemplating that there is a logical theory of time (Currie 53). On the same level, McTaggart necessitates the B series for this kind of theory to be existent (Currie 54). On the stipulation that the human race decided that their creative familiarities are real happenings in the actual world time, then people would have no faith in the notions of the real world time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 123).

Fictional narratives spring and compress, merge, recap as well as restructure the sequential periods of their occurrences and, in doing so, they interfere with or reorganize time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 135). Therefore, time is a repetition of events that change in some ways during their existence. However, the fictional narrative of time is diverse from unreal time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 136).

Time does not occur in the same manner that a physical (tangible) entity is seen (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 156). In other words, time exists as a subordinate sense shorn of any direct sensory nerve or purpose for its presence. Time is seen or contemplated as a change of events in time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 167). On the other hand, people do not only perceive occurrences, but also their temporal relations (McTaggart 461).

Temporal or sequential experiences that signify time include the duration of an event (Currie 56); secondly, the flow in which the event is or was occurring in; thirdly, how the event transpired (McTaggart 460). The change may have taken place maybe because of the end of its occurrence or the start of another (Currie 57).

According to Currie

According to Currie and other theorists, time in the tense reality replicates how we perceive the world as it really is, whereby time is a passage of occurrences in an unbiased manner of time (Currie 60). On the other hand, McTaggart disagrees with this dissimilarity as he asserts that time can either take place in the A sequence, that is in expressions of whether they exist as past events, present-day occurrences, or future (McTaggart 457). In the rapports of B sequence, it suggests that occurrences or time take place in a sequence of earlier events than others, in occurrences that transpire later than others, or in those occurrences that occur in a concurrent manner (McTaggart 457).

In regards to some studies, the view of time in a prearranged pass? gives the impression of having been diligently associated with the number of firsthand, few, and far outstanding proceedings, which take place in the course of this period (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 145). The stipulation that anyone measures the length that an event or occurrence took place means that one is measuring time (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 143).

However, this perception of measuring time or duration of an occurrence only exists in someone’s memory; therefore, it is easy to conclude that the past, as well as the future, only exists in the mind or someone’s brain (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 176). It is a specific piece of the reminiscence of the occurrence and conceivably explicitly the memory of the start as well as the termination of the occurrence that sanctions us to practice credence concerning the duration of the event (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath 184).

From the moment everybody was conceived, time has been present as a concept in the manner in which there have occurred recurrent patterns, which have led to the development of people. Time consists of change, it is displayed in the manner in which events or any entity change within a duration of any interval. Time is a real concept engraved in our thoughts; however, the perception of time is an illusion (Le Poidevin and Mac Beath). Only the present is real, the past is just a recorded memory, whereas the future does not really exist. On the stipulation, that time was real everyone would be sure of whether they would have some years to come, but no one knows because it does not really exist. Time is an artifice.

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