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Strategic Review
As markets are becoming more and more competitive, firms must devise new strategies to preserve their advantageous market position. Making decisions from a product lifecycle perspective has become a popular means to advance companies' missions and achieve a better position in the market.
Distance Learning Research
Protagonists of the systems approach study distance learning as a multidimensional concept of pedagogy and argue that this type of education is based on the coordination of the course material and curriculum schedule within the computer-based communication between the instructor, student and management personnel
Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition
While considering second language acquisition, many factors can affect the successful outcome of a learning process. The age factor is considered among the most evident ones since it affects the effectiveness of an academic process, the teaching approaches, as well as how fast the learners will be able to conceive the material.
"Glory" Film Review
The movie Glory (1989) filmed by Edward Zwick sheds light on the struggle of African Americans for their rights and freedom during the American Civil War. The movie itself is centered on the issue of the American Civil War.
Reflective Report
The purpose of this paper will be for me to analyze and reflect on my first year at Brighton Business School and look at how I have developed as a student. It will be focusing on my life as a student with respect to the views of theorists such as David Kolb (1995) to analyze how I fit in their models. I will further look at the new ideas, which I dint have before and make good use of them.