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Digital Business Strategy

The use of the internet has matured with increased mobile hardware, software, and digital content. As a result, businesses are aligning their strategies to this changing pattern that is a new lifestyle. The new strategy takes cognizance of the use of websites, opt-in emails, interactive kiosks, online advertisements, interactive TV, and mobile telephony as a part of the digital strategy. Digital strategy develops the online platform of a company and promotes it to reach the target market effectively. The entire process changes a business to e-commerce, where company products and services are digitized or put in electronic to be consumed by customers.

London: The History of a Business City

Since the early Middle Ages (if not since the days of the Romans), London has been a major city for its country. In the national consciousness, it has possessed all the hallmarks of a capital city. London has always been a sufficiently large city and an important commercial center. The process of city development had come on in leaps and bounds with the advent of the Tudor dynasty. The churches, hospitals, and theaters were built under the Tudors. In the 17th century, surviving another big fire and tragic epidemic of plague, London became the financial heart of the world, mostly due to the opening of the Bank of England in the city.

Doing Business with Vietnam

The Vietnam economy is a growing economy. The government has pledged its commitment towards market-oriented reforms, which represents a bold move away from the planned economy. Moreover, it has demonstrated its commitment towards international integration and economic liberalization through the implementation of structural reform programs with the intent of modernizing the economy. The current essay will attempt to delve into the trade approach of Vietnam using political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) analyses. Towards this end, the paper will evaluate the country for FDI and international trade.
